About Rosie
Dr Rosie Anderson has over 20 years’ experience in counselling, with over 15 years’ working with trauma clients, first as an advocate for CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault) and more recently in private practice. Working with survivors has given her a deep understanding of the impact trauma has on people’s lives and the strategies that will enable them to work through and beyond its effects.
Rosie has worked in a range of clinical and academic environments, including in a medical research team for the University of Melbourne and in a psychological treatment team in a major public hospital. Using a range of different psychological techniques, Rosie empowers people to manage their feelings during difficult and stressful experiences. She provides a safe and compassionate environment for people to explore their emotional needs and shift their destination toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Rosie empowers people to live a rich and meaningful life, so that they can be the best versions of themselves.
Some of the treatment modalities that Rosie works with:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Mindfulness
- Psychoeducation
- Solution Focused Therapy
- Clinical Hypnosis
Her Specialties
By utilising several therapy approaches, Rosie helps people develop good coping mechanisms. She believes an open and trusting environment can enhance a person’s ability to connect both to themselves and to others.
Rosie’s passion is helping adults and adolescents experiencing anxiety to be functional in highly stressful situations. She works with her clients to help them understand what triggers their anxiety and how they can manage their feelings during stressful events in their days. Rosie’s goal with each of her clients is to help them identify the best version of themselves and how they can find their own contentment.
Rosie works closely with her clients to ensure they feel supported and understood. She takes a holistic approach to treatment, enabling her to view each client with empathy and understanding, guiding and educating them with tools to help in their everyday life.
Rosie continually undertakes professional development benefiting her clients, so that her knowledge and techniques are the most up to date within the profession. Each person is delivered a personalised and current treatment plan and support.

You cannot think your way out of anxiety.
A bold statement? Definitely.
But you and I know what brings you here is just as challenging: you’ve reached your limit. You’re no longer willing to live a life constrained by anxiety, or resort to medications that mute and dull your life experience.
Professional accolades, qualifications, intelligence count for nothing if we don’t ‘own our stuff’ and embrace what it is to be human - welcoming every emotion, every feeling, every experience. In other words, being real.
Over many years in practice, I’ve observed anxiety steadily infiltrating every level of our society. We’re all the same: struggling, striving to fulfil our purpose and find contentment; we simply get tripped up or entangled in thought patterns that don’t serve us.
These thought patterns can be brought on by an event, a situation, a person, that is long gone but still stuck in our emotional craw at a subconscious level. And so, we keep on keeping on, maybe squashing down the emotion, maybe calling it something else, maybe ignoring it altogether. But ultimately, what you don’t feel waits for you. Like the proverbial monster under the bed, it will come out eventually and boy, will it mess with you then!
The good news?
If we catch it early, I can help you turn the situation around, for good. Equip you with a simple but powerful process that helps you realign with your inner wisdom and find strength in feeling. Every feeling.
This is not hand-holding therapy, or a series of consultations without end.
I have created an online course you can practise anytime, as often as you want, without having to take your life offline while you address your anxiety. A resource you can return to again and again, whenever you need. A resource that not only gives you a powerful life skill, but helps you support others living with anxiety too.
Gandhi is quoted as saying: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Imagine the change you could create in your life, and the lives of your loved ones, without anxiety weighing you down… a life full of possibilities, joy, forgiveness, vulnerability and love.
If you’re ready for a change, take action today and watch my videos.
Learn more about how it works and purchase access to the tools to help you manage your anxiety.

Undergraduate from Latrobe University
Masters/PHD in Clinical Psychology

Member of the Australian Psychological Society
At any time, 24 hours a day, if you are feeling unsafe and need assistance you can use the following services:
Emergency services 000
Suicide helpline 1300 651 251
Suicide call back line 1300 659 467
165 Dorset Road, (Corner of Smith Avenue and Dorset Road)
Croydon, Vic 3136